Low back pain patients are frequently surprised when we tell them that most back pain really comes from the front.
Back pain is epidemic in modern society. Although we assume that "back breaking" physical labor is what it sounds like, we aren't as aware of the back pain that is caused by simply sitting most of the day. Even herniated discs are less common than people think and are often not related to the patients back pain.
We always encourage patients with low back pain to bring any MRIs or other test results they might have. We also perform some basic screening for spinal issues before starting treatment and will refer you out to a physician if we suspect anything that is not myofascial in nature.
However, for most of our patients, we find that trigger points in their hip flexors, abdominal muscles and glutes are the primary cause of their back pain. For many, spasm of tiny spinal muscles called "multifidi" are a major culprit.
An integrated treatment plan that includes:
- a series of hands-on or virtual sessions with a qualified trigger point, fascial stretching or neuromuscular therapist
- a review and correction of lifestyle issues that contribute to your pain and
- a self-care plan of exercises you can do at home or at work
Along with our safe and gentle approach to overall fitness, will get you "back" before you know it!
Low back pain patients are frequently surprised when we tell them that most back pain really comes from the front.
Back pain is epidemic in modern society. Although we assume that "back breaking" physical labor is what it sounds like, we aren't as aware of the back pain that is caused by simply sitting most of the day. Even herniated discs are less common than people think and are often not related to the patients back pain.
We always encourage patients with low back pain to bring any MRIs or other test results they might have. We also perform some basic screening for spinal issues before starting treatment and will refer you out to a physician if we suspect anything that is not myofascial in nature.
However, for most of our patients, we find that trigger points in their hip flexors, abdominal muscles and glutes are the primary cause of their back pain. For many, spasm of tiny spinal muscles called "multifidi" are a major culprit.
An integrated treatment plan that includes:
- a series of hands-on or virtual sessions with a qualified trigger point, fascial stretching or neuromuscular therapist
- a review and correction of lifestyle issues that contribute to your pain and
- a self-care plan of exercises you can do at home or at work
Along with our safe and gentle approach to overall fitness, will get you "back" before you know it!