Sudden chilling of the muscles sometimes activates trigger points. The muscles in the back of the head and neck are especially vulnerable. Wearing a scarf and hat is a must for many. Consider the following real life case history. We shared this one about 5 years ago but it is just as relevant today.
Pumpkin Patch Headache
Sandy thought her young daughter would enjoy a trip to a local pumpkin patch back in October of 2012. She still remembers the exact date because a headache began on that day that lasted over a year!
It was only moderately cold and they were having a great time. Unfortunately Sandy did not have a hat or a scarf with her. The chilling of her head and neck muscles led to an intense headache that just would not go away. She tried everything. She even went to the Mayo Clinic and was diagnosed with “Chronic Daily Headache”! Sandy thought they were making it up…but no…
After visits to other doctors, clinics, more tests and prescriptions she came to see us. Fortunately, we are familiar with cold activation of trigger points.
Many of our muscles, including key muscles in the neck and rear of the head are vulnerable to trigger point activation from the cold. A cascade of trigger point activations can caused by sudden cooling of the neck by even 10 or 20 degrees. This can cause intense headaches that simply won’t go away until the muscles are released.
We really felt for Sandy because she knows now that if we had been her first stop rather than her last we probably could have stopped her headache in its tracks and saved her over a year of pain, disability and expensive, ineffective treatment. Of course, she also understands now more than ever the importance of keeping her head and neck warm!
Call Us Sooner Rather Than Later
The moral of the story – Trigger Point Therapy is a safe, effective treatment that is almost always less expensive than a supposedly “insured” medical procedure – those copays for drugs and treatments that don’t work can really add up…
If something like this happens to you, consider making us your first stop. If we see any sign that something more serious is going on, we’ll be the first refer you your doctor. However, the chances are that we can help you eliminate your pain without drugs, expensive tests or other invasive procedures.