Self Care
We teach you how to explore and treat your own muscles and connective tissue. We integrate yoga, pilates, self-compression, muscle activation and conditioning techniques into a simple, but comprehensive program. Small personalized classes. No class is complete without reviewing movement patterns and factors that perpetuate myofascial pain and dysfunction. Self care tools and other materials provided.
Trigger Point
Trigger Point Therapy is one of the primary methods for treating Myofascial Dysfunction in muscles, fascia, ligaments, tendons and other connective tissues. Trigger Point therapists are trained to assess the overall muscular health of their patient, identify myofascial pain and dysfunction, and precisely locate and treat the associated Trigger Points with focused manual pressure – this is not a spa massage!
NeuroMuscular Stabilization
Almost every adult has developed chronic musculoskeletal pain somewhere. It might have been an injury that should have gone away but never quite healed. It might be a nagging pain that has snuck up on you from poor posture at work. Or maybe an annoying restriction in your range of movement that interferes with your favorite fitness activity. Learn to reset your movement programs!
Sure, you can play through the pain but everyone knows that they perform better when things don’t hurt, move freely and you are able to maintain stability. Performance athletes aren’t just professionals anymore. Many of the patients we have treated medically over the years are either performing regularly in athletic competitions or simply working to improve their own performance.