Big Toe and Ankle Pain – Tibialis Anterior
Chronic big toe and ankle pain can be caused by trigger points in the Tibialis Anterior (TibA) muscle. This is a common problem for many runners and other athletes. Maybe your TibA is inhibited and not engaging well with other muscles in your calf. How does this happen?
Plantar Fasciitis Treatment and Foot Pain
It's Not Just For Runners Anymore... Plantar Fasciitis treatment is often ineffective. This is because the mechanism is poorly understood and the wrong tissues are often treated. (PF) is an inflammation of the plantar fascia. It causes pain on the bottom of the foot. This is typically worse [...]
Low Back Pain – Paraspinals
Deep vs Superfical Paraspinals The chronic low back pain multifidi and longissimus cause can be severe. Of the seven primary muscle groups that refer pain into the low back these are the only two of them live in the lumbar spine. Note that the pain of trigger points in [...]
Causes and Treatment of Bunions
Early in my career I treated a lot of feet. As a freshly minted myofascial therapist I had been taught that we could "fix" bunions, hammer and claw toes. Well, I saw quickly that it is a common problem had plenty of practice in a short time! A [...]
Hammer Toes and Foot Pain – Toe Extensors
Hammer Toe Muscles... Hammer toes and foot pain are caused by trigger points in the long toe extensors (extensor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis longus). You may not be bothered by your hammer toes but they are an important symptom of imbalance for a skilled myofascial therapist. Although [...]
Do CBD Products Reduce Pain Safely and Effectively?
Wondering about all the hype? Can CBD products reduce pain? We see CBD products advertised everywhere, for practically everything. Recently, CBD is in everything from bath bombs to gummy bears! CBD products are legal in all 50 states. But, they are treated as a supplement and not regulated [...]
Strengthen Shoulder Depressors to Reduce Pain
Our trapezius or "traps" divide into three sections. They have have radically different shapes, fiber directions and primary movement functions. Yet, this does still behave as one muscle. In particular, when our lower traps are weak or inhibited, our upper and middle traps will try to assist. One of [...]
Deltoid Muscles – Deep Shoulder Pain
The deltoid is sometimes considered one muscle with three sections and sometimes treated as three separate muscles. Together they form the bulk of your shoulder and are used to raise your arm from your side and flex and extend your arm at the shoulder. Problems with the deltoid muscles [...]
Cervicogenic Headaches – Trigger Point Therapy
Myofascial Trigger Point referrals from muscles in the neck can cause Cervicogenic Headache Symptoms are similar to tension headaches and migraines. However, cervicogenic headaches often begin in muscles in the upper neck. If you have cervicogenic headache - trigger point therapy can help! For general headache info, [...]
Chronic Pain-Better Sleep Can Help
Sleep is a natural process when we rest and repair ourselves. In, fact a minimum amount of sleep is needed for survival. However, we need larger amount of sleep to be at our best. Ideally, we don't need to do anything about sleep. Usually, we get tired, we go to bed, sleep all night and wake up the next day feel refreshed.
Do Cortisone Shots Actually Make Things Worse?
For myofascial problems, in a word, 'yes'! Cortisone is ineffective for these conditions and can be harmful. Yet, today cortisone shots remain a standard, much-requested treatment for tennis elbow and other tendon problems. Cortisone is a powerful anti-inflammatory. However, the nature of myofascial pain, taut band development, trigger point [...]
Wrist Extensors – Hand and Forearm Pain
The extensors of the hand and the wrist include extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor carpi radialis longus, and extensor carpi radialis brevis. All three run most of the length of the forearm. Collectively, along with brachioradialis, they extend the hand at the wrist. Their chief function is to prevent wrist [...]
Reduce Pain! Myofascial Perpetuating Factors
We call things that maintain, or continue, our pain myofascial perpetuating factors. Often, these are similar to things that helped cause the problem. Dr. Janet Travell was pioneer in the field of myofascial and trigger point therapy. In fact, she wrote extensively about pain, myofascial perpetuating factors and [...]
Low Back Pain – Rectus Abdominis
Rectus Abdominis - The Six Pack Muscle Chronic Low Back Pain - Rectus Abdominis can develop trigger points that cause severe back pain. It may surprise you that the quest for a flat stomach does not strengthen your core. In addition, it often generates trigger points in this [...]
Chronic Headache Pain – Myofascial Therapy
Learn more about how myofascial and trigger point therapy can help relieve the chronic pain of migraines, tension and cluster headaches.
Upper Crossed Syndrome and Chronic Pain
Upper Crossed Syndrome and chronic pain (UCS). The imbalance of four key muscle groups underlies many cases of headache, neck and upper back pain. Upper back and neck pain is epidemic in our culture. It has surpassed low back pain as the number one chronic pain complaint. [...]
Erase Pain Through Movement
I started taking dance classes years ago, after many rounds of physical therapy for an assortment injuries. I was awkward and clumsy, but I stuck with it for quite a while. I noticed that some of my nagging pains faded and my range of motion increased - even [...]
Improve Posture by Opening the Chest
We often find that we can improve posture by opening the chest muscles and fascia. Stretching and opening key tissues in the chest is a vital step in the process of correcting head forward posture and rounding of the shoulders. These postural challenges cause chronic pain, limit range of [...]
Low Back Pain – Gluteus Medius and Maximus
"Lumbago" Anyone? Chronic Low Back Pain - Gluteus medius and gluteus maximus cause low back pain in multiple ways. These "glute" muscles include the fleshy and outermost gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and the gluteus minimus, deepest of the group. Some also include piriformis and some of the other [...]
Teres Minor Muscle – Back of Shoulder Pain
Teres minor is a small, rounded rotator cuff muscle. It is the smallest of the four. It attaches from the rear, outer edge of the shoulder blade to the head of the humerus. Most importantly, in conjunction with the other rotator cuff muscles, it is responsible for dynamic stabilization [...]
How Does Chronic Pain Develop?
Of course, there are many kinds of pain and different causes. Yet, most types of chronic pain share a similar pattern: Initially, some form of local pain happens. Then, pain recurs. Your nervous system gets sensitized. Eventually, your threshold lowers for local pain. Finally, additional stresses ramp up [...]
Reducing Upper Back and Neck Pain
Virtually everyone wants to Reduce Upper Back and Neck Pain! It is understandable that we focus on locations that are painful. These areas are all strained by head forward posture and rounding of the shoulders. It is useful to provide relief for these areas, both in treatment and [...]
Back Pain and Head Forward Posture
We treat more back pain than any other complaint, split about evenly between upper and lower back pain. Additionally, most of the people we see whose chief complaint is low back pain (LBP) also often concede that they have some upper back pain (UBP) as well - and vice [...]
Are You a Weekend Warrior?
Weekend Warrior Syndrome We’ve all heard the term... It brings up the image of someone who works in an office; a couch potato or generally unfit person that decides to take on re-landscaping the yard or playing an epic game of softball at the family picnic... We assume [...]
Biceps Brachii – Upper Arm/Shoulder Pain
The biceps brachii is a large muscle of the upper arm. Originally called "musculus", it got its name from the Latin for mouse, referring to the arch of a mouse's back. It then gave its name back to all other muscles. The biceps is considered generally representative of strength [...]
Foot Pain – Intrinsic Muscles of the Foot
Many things outside your feet can make them hurt. For instance, myofascial dysfunction some of the muscles of the calf or hip can cause problems with your feet. However, some foot problems really do orginate in the feet. In addition, the 'intrinsic' muscles of your foot can [...]
Brachioradialis – Hand and Forearm Pain
The brachioradialis runs from the lower, front part of the upper arm, across the elbow to the middle of the forearm. It flexes the forearm at the elbow. It is also capable of both pronation and supination, depending on the position of the forearm. Brachioradialis trigger points do not happen in isolation and are part [...]
Will an MRI Help Diagnose Your Low Back Pain?
Should you consider an MRI for chronic Lower Back Pain (LBP)? Maybe, but it depends quite a lot on your history. First, numerous studies show there is little correlation between patient histories, MRI results and outcomes. In fact, the American College of Physicians and American Pain Society published [...]
Migraine Headache – Myofascial Therapy
Head and neck pain, nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, sound and smells, fatigue and irritability... These are just some of the symptoms of migraine headache. Myofascial trigger point therapy can help!
Supraspinatus Muscle – Arm Raising Pain
The supraspinatus muscle is the most active of the four rotator cuff muscles. It is responsible for abduction of the your arm at the shoulder. Most importantly, in conjunction with the other rotator cuff muscles, it is responsible for dynamic stabilization of the shoulder joint. The shoulder has less [...]
Wrist Pain – Forearm Overload…
Decades ago, before I became a Myofascial Therapist, I routinely experienced pain when extending my wrists, making exercises like plank pretty difficult. Over time, it passed and returned occasionally, but the recurring episodes were brief and I didn’t investigate further. Two weeks ago the pain returned with a [...]
Self Care for Hip and Glute Pain
Hip and glute pain isn't glamorous, but many people are living with it every day. Sometimes the pain is deep in the hip, making it difficult to lie on that side. It can also radiate down the leg to the ankle or extend to the glutes. Some refer to [...]
What About Trigger Point Therapy?
Here are some things that you may or may not have known about trigger point therapy: Over 60% of visits to primary care doctors are for pain and up to 95% of that pain is caused by trigger points. Muscle relaxers do not work on trigger points. The pain of [...]
Supinator – Forearm and Thumb Pain
The supinator runs between the bones the radius and ulna in the forearm. It supinates your forearm, turning it palm up. The opposite of this pattern is pronation, rotating the forearm so that your palm faces downward. The causes, pain patterns, corrective actions, and self-care are similar to brachioradialis. [...]
Low Back Pain – Psoas / Hip Flexors
Chronic Low Back Pain - Psoas Psoas major is your primary hip flexor. It can cause a well defined and excruciating pain pattern. The two psoas muscles and ileacus together are called iliopsoas. Dysfunction on either side will cause you pain on that side in a diffuse spot [...]
Reduce Stress Through Proper Breathing
We can all reduce pain and stress through proper breathing. Let's start with some very simple exercises. Chronic stress alters our metabolism and biochemistry to increasing blood pressure, musculoskeletal pain, headaches, weight gain, sleep problems and cognitive impairment. Stress always seems to find its way to most vulnerable area [...]
Heel and Ankle Pain – The Fibularis Muscles
Trigger points in muscles on the outside of calf cause ankle and heel pain. The weakness of inhibition from these trigger points can also cause instability in the ankles. Like many other muscles of the lower leg, the fibularis group often works more to control movement than to produce it.
Heel Pain – Treatment of Tibialis Posterior
If you have foot, heel or calf pain, you may have thought it was from tight calves and plantar fasciitis. This is a common problem for many runners and other athletes. Treating tibialis posterior might make a difference.
Treatment of Lower Crossed Syndrome
Do you want to reduce low back pain? Have you ever heard of Lower Crossed Syndrome? We have mentioned in other articles that individual muscle syndromes do not occur in isolation very often. So, you might find it helpful to see related muscles in context. Lower Crossed [...]
Infraspinatus Muscle – Shoulder to Hand Pain
The infrapinatus muscle is a thick irregular rotator cuff muscle located on the back of your shoulder blade. It has a strong connection to the shoulder and along with teres minor, rotates your arm externally. Most importantly, in conjunction with the other rotator cuff muscles, it is responsible for [...]
Subscapularis – Front of Shoulder Pain
The subscapularis muscle is the largest of the four rotator cuff muscles. It is responsible for internal rotation and adduction of the your arm at the shoulder. Most importantly, in conjunction with the other rotator cuff muscles, it is responsible for dynamic stabilization of the shoulder joint. The shoulder [...]
Myofascial Treatment of Knee Pain
Today, let's focus on myofascial treatment of knee pain, specifically in the front, upper area of the knee. The knee seems like a small area but when it gives us trouble it literally dogs our every step. This is the most common area that might be painful for you. [...]
Fascial Stretching Improves Performance
Sure, you can play through the pain. But everyone knows that they perform better when things don’t hurt and move freely. By reducing pain and increasing range of motion, Fascial Stretching improves performance for both amateur and professional athletes alike! Professionals aren't the only performance athletes anymore. More recently, [...]
Finger Extensors – Hand and Forearm Pain
The extensors of the fingers include extensor indicis, extensor digitorum, and extensor digiti minimi. Collectively they extend all four fingers of the hand at the knuckle and finger joints. They are grouped together here because their location, function, and activations are similar. Their chief function is to extend the [...]
Accident? Get Treatment ASAP!
Accident? Get Treatment ASAP! Even minor accidents can set off a chain of events that can have serious life changing consequences. For example, the impact of whiplash may last for months or years. Fortunately, chances are that your auto medical payments coverage will pay 100% of treatment [...]
Claw Toes and Foot Pain – Long Toe Flexors
Claw Toes and Foot Pain If you are developing claw toes and foot pain, you may have trigger points in your long toe flexors. These are really a type of hammer toe. True claw toes are [...]
Finger Flexors – Hand and Forearm Pain
The flexors of your wrist and fingers work together to bend your wrist and curl your fingers. They are not differentiated in the same way that the finger and wrist extensors are. Pain may occur in just one or two fingers, with or without pain at the wrist. The [...]
Treatment of Rotator Cuff Injuries
Rotator cuff injuries are a common cause of pain and disability among adults. Each year, almost 2 million people in the United States visit their doctors because of a rotator cuff problem. This might seem like a new problem but it isn't. In generations past, rotator cuff problems were [...]
Cluster Headaches – Myofascial TriggerPoints
The sudden pain of cluster headaches is one of the worst pains we can have. With intense pain on one side of your head, nausea, vertigo and other symptoms, it seems like a migraine. Mercifully, they don't last too long. Secondary trigger point activations are common. If [...]
Chronic Tension Headaches – Trigger Point Therapy
Doctors say we don't know what causes them. However, we know that myofascial trigger points cause the pain patterns and other symptoms of chronic tension headache. They also contribute to migraines. So, if you have recurring headaches that just don't go away, we can help!
Strengthening Cervical Flexors Reduces Pain
If you have headache, neck, and upper back problems, strengthening cervical flexors reduces pain. This is a key consideration in Upper Crossed Syndrome and Forward Head Posture generally. Several muscle groups that flex the neck forward. At first, the most obvious ones are the SCM (Sterno-Cleido Mastoid) - [...]
Lower Leg Pain? Trigger Point Referrals
Sorting out lower leg pain? Trigger point referrals are usually pretty straightforward. First, we divide your leg into three sections, the front (your shin), the outside, and the back (calf). Each of these sections has a small number of muscles that cause myofascial pain. Quickly checking the [...]
Exercises Reduce Low Back Pain and Sciatica
Low Back Pain can be excruciating, but the radiating pain of sciatica can be even worse! Such pain is often caused by neuromuscular and fascial issues and can be treated conservatively. These exercises are very similar to those offered for recovery from uncomplicated disc injuries in PT and [...]
New Trends in IT Band Pain Relief
My anatomy teachers taught me that the primary purpose of the Ilio Tibial Band (ITB) was to provide lateral stabilization. However, recent research, including studies from Catherine Eng, summarized in the Harvard Gazette, tells a different story. The ITB connects the Gluteus [...]
Adductor/Oppenens Pollicis – Thumb Pain
Trigger points in the adductor pollicis and opponens pollicis muscles cause aching pain in your thumb, the base of the thumb, and the thumb side of your wrist. Spillover pain may include most of the thumb, webbing, and the fleshy mound at the base of the thumb on the [...]
Chronic Headache? Cold Activates Trigger Points
Sudden chilling of the muscles sometimes activates trigger points. The muscles in the back of the head and neck are especially vulnerable. Wearing a scarf and hat is a must for many. Consider the following real life case history. We shared this one about 5 years ago but [...]
Brachialis – Thumb and Elbow Pain
The brachialis runs from the lower, front part of the upper arm, across the elbow to the middle of the forearm. It provides most of the strength for elbow flexion. When you do a biceps curl, you are primarily exercising your brachialis. However, when your forearm is fixed, the [...]
Chronic Pain? Medical History Matters!
When someone is in chronic pain, medical history is essential. In fact, we've simply never seen someone and thought, "Hmmm, I really don't need to know this much. I wish this form was shorter..." However, our medical history form is often just a starting point. Typically, we'll have [...]
TMJ Headache – Myofascial Pain
If you have a TMJ Headache - Myofascial Pain should be on your radar! Problems with the Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ) cause pain in the face and head. In addition, TMJ disorders (TMJD) can cause myofascial problems AND myofascial dysfunction can cause TMJ pain, reinforcing each other. Sometimes, [...]
Coracobrachialis – Front Shoulder/Back Arm Pain
The coracobrachialis muscle is a small muscle in the front of the shoulder. It is often missed as a source of pain in the front of the shoulder. It originates on the top of the coracoid process and proceeds out to the middle of the humerus between the attachments [...]
Diaphragmatic Breathing Reduces Back Pain
Low back pain is routinely listed as the largest cause of chronic pain in the US. It is responsible for more occupational disability than any other cause. It doesn't seem possible that simply practicing diaphragmatic breathing reduces back pain, but it does. Besides, deep breathing should be the [...]
Sorting Out Foot Pain – A Simple Case Study
When I am assessing a myofascial issue for someone, I come at it from several angles. You should too! This does not replace the assessment and treatment by a professional but it is a good start for many of the routine chronic pain problems we may develop.
The “Core” of Low Back Pain
Low back pain is routinely listed as the largest cause of chronic pain in the US, responsible for more occupational disability than any other cause. This problem has deep roots in modern western lifestyles. Many people have been through an episode of LBP that was severe enough to be [...]
The Spiral Line – Muscles and Fascia Doin’ The Double Helix!
Headaches are often triggered and/or aggravated by a constellation of muscles of the neck that contain taut bands, trigger points and other dysfunctional segments. Understanding the relationships between these muscles helps determine approaches for treatment and as well as self-care. The muscles of the neck are part of a [...]
Which Kind of Low Back Pain Am I?
What causes my particular Low Back Pain? It is one of the most debilitating conditions in the US. There are many causes that overlap and inter-relate.
Headaches and Neck Muscles – Intro
Headaches are often triggered and/or aggravated by a constellation of muscles of the neck that contain taut bands, trigger points and other dysfunctional segments. Understanding the relationships between these muscles helps determine approaches for treatment and as well as self-care. The muscles of the neck are part of a [...]
Low Back Pain – Quadratus Lumborum
Chronic Low Back Pain - Quadratus Lumborum (QL) can cause debilitating pain. It is a factor in most chronic low back pain cases. The pattern often radiates downward from the low back into the crest of the hip, sacrum, lower buttock and hip. It is typically worse on [...]
Triceps Brachii – Upper Arm/Elbow/Hand Pain
The triceps brachii (three-headed upper arm) muscle is a large muscle of the back of the upper arm. It is the primary muscle used for elbow extension (straightening the arm). Trigger points occur in all three heads but referred pain from the long head is the most common. Referred [...]
Pain is No “Gain” – Why Less Is More
You can’t avoid the ads for diets, exercise equipment, health clubs and all things "fitness" in January. There are various reasons that most people do not stick to a new routine. Want a flat stomach, smaller butt, better toned chest and arms…? Sure, doesn’t everyone? We find these things [...]